The Whole Catalogue is Here!
All our episodes reside below. The good, the bad, the ugly, all of it.
The Bad McCarthy: The Crucible
EP. 06
Not all is well in the town of Salem...or Washington for that matter.
Join the Shelfers as we dive into Arthur Miller's 1953 not-so-subtle-allegorical play, "The Crucible"
Topics of discussion: McCarthyism, religious hypocrisy, Marilyn Monroe, and Jacob playing Judge Danforth in high school.
We are doing shout-outs to anyone who donates to PSL Atlanta and sends proof of donation to our Twitter account (@SocialistShelf) or email ( The link to donate is here:
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is high school Jacob looking snazzy as Judge Danforth.
The One About Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
EP. 06
It's a lesser-known probably haven't heard of it.
Today the shelfers take on Matthew Stover's 2005 novelization of "Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith," the novel that asks the dangerous question of what would happen if you made ROTS... good?
Enjoy us diving into the concept of Star Wars legends, criticize Yoda for undialectical thinking, encouraging Bail Organa to start a Marxist militia on Alderaan, and draw parallels between Taylor Swift and Anakin Skywalker.
As discussed in the cold open, we'll be doing shout-outs to anyone who donates to PSL Atlanta and sends proof of donation to our Twitter account (@SocialistShelf) or email ( The link to donate is here:
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is definitely an actual picture we took of ourselves to promote this episode.
Rock Uber: The Myth of Sisyphus
EP. 06
Lenore reads the entire thing at the opening so you have no excuse not to absorb this text (unless you just don't want to in which case...fair)
This week we discuss French philosopher Albert Camus' 1942, essential absurdist work, "The Myth of Sisyphus." You might have heard this one before, it's where the guy is happy despite his whole rock situation.
We get into the life of Camus (we've got opinions!), look into if absurdism and socialism are compatible ideas (we have MORE opinions) and talk about high school Jacob's brief fling with absurdist thought (no need for opinions on this one.)
Come back next week for a discussion of Matthew Stover's 2005 novelization of "Revenge of the Sith."
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,, episode art from SuperGiant's masterpiece, "Hades."
Marxism-Springsteenism: Battle Royale
EP. 06
History may have gone entirely differently, but the music of Bruce Springsteen is eternal...
Today we explore the alt-history dystopia of Koushun Takami's, 1999 novel, "Battle Royale." This one's a little more intense than Fortnite.
What does "successful fascism" look like? Why is the genre of kids murdering each other so lucrative? Will Koushun Takami ever write a second novel?
Music by SoloMonk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter and Episode art from novel's cover.
Proletariat Number 1 Great: The Crab Cannery Ship
EP. 06
Folks welcome to the episode where we debut our BRAND NEW THEME SONG!!!!! Massive shout-out to Solo Monk for putting it together. Please go give him a follow on Twitter @SoloMonk256, on Patreon at, and on YouTube at
But we do have an episode today outside the music. We're discussing the great 1929 work of Japanese proletarian literature, "The Crab Cannery Ship" by Takiji Kobayashi.
How does the historical process of capitalist development in Japan mirror that in Europe, and how is it different? How can the nameless, faceless nature of the working class be turned into a strength? Plus, what to do if your revolution fails (hint, hint: it's try again.)
Episode art is a crab emoji.
Zig Zag Zig: The Ballad of Black Tom
EP. 06
It's existential horror time!!
This week we get into Victor LaValle's 2016 novella, "The Ballad of Black Tom," a retelling of H.P. Lovecraft's shockingly racist (and honestly boring) short story, "The Horror at Red Hook." And yes, we read the original short story too so you don't have to.
The Shelfers discuss Lovecraft adaptions that deal with his legacy (and all that entails,) the inevitability of resistance against oppression, and why Cthulhu is way less scary than the NYPD.
Tune in next week for, "The Crab Cannery Ship" by Kobayashi Takiji!
Episode art from the novel's cover, music by Kevin MacLeod.
Neurodivergent and a Minor: Catcher in the Rye, Ft. Aysha U. Farah
EP. 06
Jacob fails to read poetry, Lenore makes bad jokes, we have a cool guest, and we released the episode two days late...honestly, it's the platonic ideal of a Socialist Shelf episode.
This week we're talking about J.D. Salinger's 1951 rant of a novel, "Catcher in the Rye." Joining us is writer, game developer, and professional Holden Caulfield defender, Aysha U. Farah, begging you to forget everything YA Twitter has told you to think about this book.
What's the deal with middle-class American angst? Is Holden Caulfield gay? Are angsty teens just tiny Marxists waiting to be given direction? All this and more!
You can find Aysha's work at her website, here:, or follow her on Twitter or Bluesky at @ayshaufarah.
Music by Kevin MacLeod, episode art is just a rye field from Getty Images
The Gang Goes Anarchist: V for Vendetta
EP. 06
Let's. Get. Edgy.
Step into (even more) fascistic London in Alan Moore's classic 1982-1985 graphic novel, "V for Vendetta."
What makes Moore such a remarkable creator? How do repressive regimes give birth to their own destruction? How brutal must a revolution be? Also...what's the deal with anarchism?
Art from the graphic novel, music by Kevin MacLeod.
A little housekeeping: we're going to be (for the most part) dispensing with the part ones and twos and doing full weekly episodes, so I hope y'all enjoy that. Tune in next week for our "Catcher in the Rye" episode!!
This One’s Just For Fun: My Immortal
EP. 06
Some are calling it THE literary classic.
This week the boys get into "My Immortal," a notorious 2006-2007 Harry Potter fan fiction by the user known as XXXbloodyrists666XXX.
What makes a bad fanfiction so magical? Why are so many preps flaming our podcast? What can we learn from the earnestness of online, some young Jacob and Joss lore.
If you like this episode, please leave us a good review and follow us @SocialistShelf on social media (if that's still a thing.)
Music by Kevin MacLeod, episode art is the Harry Potter film cover fused by dark magic with Snapchat photo editor.
Real Capitalism has Never Been Tried: Compassionate Capitalism, ft. Josh Boerman
EP. 06
It's time to learn more than we ever wanted to about Amway founder and general rightwing psycho, Richard Devos.
Josh Boerman from The Worst of All Possible Worlds returns to the podcast to discuss Devos' self-help book/manifestos "Compassionate Capitalism" and, to a lesser extent, "Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People." They're some doozies, folks.
Who is this Rich guy, and how did he manage to get his sticky fingers all over everything in the whole country? What's the deal with multi-level marketing companies? Is socialism doomed (Rich thinks so in 1994, he becomes less sure by 2008.)
Check out Josh's podcast here:
Music by Kevin MacLeod, episode art is of the Amway Center.
In the Gaming World…You’re The Loser: Snowcrash, Ft. Kurt Schiller
EP. 06
We're going to the distant, wild, far-flung cyberpunk future of the early seen from the early 90s. Yep, we're talking about Neal Stephenson's 1992 science fiction/action/dystopian/satirical/straight-up-badass novel, "Snow Crash."
Joining the Shelfers to discuss is editor of Blood Knife Magazine and member of Podside Picnic, Kurt Schiller.
What's the difference between anti-capitalism and anti-corporatism? What happened to the dreams of the techno-utopians? Is Hiro Protagonist a good name for your main character? Why is Uncle Enzo so damn cool? All that and more!
Check out Kurt's work:,, @MechanicalKurt on Twitter.
Credit to Blowback for our parody intro and to the song "World Destruction" by Time Zone. Credit to Kevin MacLeod for our outro music. Cover art is from the cover of the novel itself.
Alternate title for this episode: "Ready Player FUN"
The Evilest Episode: True Allegiance, ft. Sydney Dallas-Main
EP. 06
That more or less summarizes our reaction to "True Allegiance," Ben Shapiro's work of fiction that repeatedly, incessantly, infuriatingly, asks over and over and over: "Have you considered wokeism might be at the heart of our problems?"
No Ben, we haven't.
Joining us is cringe-fiction expert and Jacob's spouse, Sydney, to really get into this evil creation of the whiny, deranged, foot-stomping manchild known as Ben Shapiro.
Music by Kevin MacLeod. The cover art is...pretty epic.
Octavia is BACK: Bloodchild, Ft. Aaron Thorpe
EP. 06
It's our first repeat author! Get ready to discuss the short stories, "Bloodchild," "Amnesty," and "Book of Martha" by the Queen of science fiction, Octavia Butler.
Joining us is noted sci-fi enthusiast, drip-king, and all-around-cool-guy, Aaron Thorpe!
How does one sanitize literally being eaten alive? Why is the internet into botflies? What would you do with the powers of God? Who's more evil, alien invaders or the US Government? (Okay, that's one's obvious.)
Check out Aaron @Afrocosmist on Twitter or go listen to his podcasts: "The Trillbilly Worker's Party," "Struggle Session," and "Everybody Loves Communism"
Music by Kevin MacLeod, art from the republished edition of "Bloodchild."
Socialism and Superheroes: an interview with vijay prashad
EP. 06
It's the week of interviews, and we're back with another fantastic one...this time with legendary socialist writer, thinker, and enjoyer of good fiction, Vijay Prashad!
Hear Vijay's thoughts on superhero films, the (super)power of organizing, how mass media reveals the insecurities of the ruling class, and how anti-capitalist fiction can become revolutionary art.
For more from Vijay Prashad, go to
Music by Kevin MacLeod, episode art is Vijay's Twitter profile pic (and a very nice one at that.)
BONUS: An interview with Omar El Akkad
EP. 06
We enjoyed his book, "American War," and in this episode, we got a chance to enjoy speaking to the author!
Listen to acclaimed writer and journalist Omar El Akkad chat with the Shelfers about climate change, the dangers of American individualism, his writing process...and then even more about climate change.
You're not required to scroll back and listen to our "American War" episodes before listening to this interview, but we sure would recommend it.
You can find Omar here on Twitter: @omarelakkad. We also recommend you check out his podcast, "WITHOUT."
Music by Kevin MacLeod. Episode art is a picture of our guest!
The best timeline: Ministry for the Future
EP. 06
" y'all talk about nothing but bleak books anymore? I'm getting tired! I'm getting depressed."
Never fear listeners, it's time to talk about Kim Stanley Robinson's positive, anti-dystopian work of climate fiction, "Ministry for the Future."
Questions we consider: What will spur the working masses of the world to action? What role does sci-fi play in painting visions of a better world? What's the difference between being a utopian idealist and a revolutionary optimist?
Music by Kevin MacLeod, cover art from the original novel cover.
Red Vs. Blue: American War, ft. Josh Boerman
EP. 06
What if everything was bad...and then it got worse...and then it kept getting worse...and everything generally stayed bad forever?
That's what Omar El Akkad tackles in his work of climate fiction, "American War," and that's what the Shelfers are here to discuss. But wait! Joining us is noted apocalyptician and student of declining empire, Josh Boerman from The Worst of All Possible Worlds.
What will happen to the American South without left organizing? What is the trajectory of a society without hope? What, if anything, is the use of novels preaching dire climate warnings? What's the deal with the Mississippi Sea? All this and more!
Check out Josh's work at Seriously, it's one of the best podcasts out there.
Music by Kevin MacLeod, cover art is from the cover of American War
The good McCarthy: Blood Meridian
EP. 06
Everybody's favorite dirt mage, Drew Mason, is back to talk with us about "Blood Meridian" by the recently late, forever great, Cormac McCarthy.
What does the Western (or in this case, anti-western) teach us about the foundations of the United States? What is the truth behind this nation's founding myths? Can we have an episode even darker than our discussion of "The Jungle?" All that and more within.
If you liked this episode, check out @dkpmason on Twitter. If you didn't like it, check him out anyway. He's a cool guy, we can vouch.
Music by Kevin MacLeod, the cover art is a picture of the greatest bean-eating pond swimmer to ever grace the literary world.
They made Tumblr into a book…and it’s good: Gideon the Ninth
EP. 06
Two for the stories reread in our dreams
Three for the prose we remember in memes
Four for the books that we both recommend
Five for the ones where we're glad for the end
Six for the classics debated to death
Seven for those that have wasted our breath
Eight for the novels inspiring our stuff
and Nine for the pod and for all of its scuff
(P.S. Sorry to Ms. Tamsyn Muir for the fact that I can't say your last name right. I liked your book.)
Music by Kevin MacLeod, episode art from the cover of "Gideon the Ninth."
Clinton’s worst crime: the president is missing
EP. 06
Bill Clinton wrote a novel, y'all...Yes, that Bill Clinton.
Join us as we slowly lose our minds trying to crawl through the nightmare that is "The President is Missing" by James Patterson and former U.S. President, Bill Clinton.
We'll be answering such questions as: "Can a former President still be deeply insecure?" (Yep.) and "Can liberalism save us?" (Nope.)
If you thought "Left Behind" had us worked up, you ain't seen nothing yet!!!
Music by Kevin MacLeod, cover photo from