The Whole Catalogue is Here!
All our episodes reside below. The good, the bad, the ugly, all of it.
The Gang Goes Progressive: Black Chamber
This is a bully good episode (am I using that term properly?)
This week, the shelfers check out S.M. Stirling's 2018 alternative history WWI novel, "Black Chamber." The premise? Teddy Roosevelt gets a third term as president, and this time he's Bernie Sanders in a cowboy hat.
We didn't dig this one. Jacob REALLY didn't dig this one.
If you're here, you should check out our website! Lenore's got a new essay up on The Shelf about S.M. Stirling, so read that here.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is from the book cover but also we're dying in nuclear fire.
We Bring The Boom: When The Wind Blows, Ft. Foxy Macchiato
Have you ever considered that when a nuclear war happens your grandparents will die and it'll be really sad? No? Well this book is gonna make you consider that.
This week, the Shelfers take on Raymond Briggs' 1982 graphic novel, "When the Wind Blows," an upsetting little tale about an old couple facing the apocalypse.
We are joined by veteran of our Sonic episode and artist behind the Socialist Shelf pod art, Tay, AKA Foxy Macchiato.
This is a short one, but that also means you have no excuse not to listen to the whole thing. In fact, you have to listen to it several times through.
Check out Tay's art, YouTube, and other content here!
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is from the book cover but also we're dying in nuclear fire.
Fools Settle Alchemist: The Alchemist, Ft. Kennedy Cooper
What if the treasure was the friends we made along the way but also was very literally a whole lot of treasure?
Join us as we travel to 1988 to discuss Paulo Coelho's global phenomenon of a novel, "The Alchemist."
We are joined by Kennedy Cooper, host of the podcasts, "The Worst Week Yet" and "The Most Important Election of our Lives." We haven't been able to confirm whether or not they are a real life alchemist, but we have our suspicions...
What is it about this book that drove people so wild? Is "Live, Laugh, Love" always a bad thing? Why is Melchizedek here?
Check Out The Most Important Election of Our Lives
Follow Kennedy on Bluesky
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is from "The Alchemist" graphic novel and also we're there and some emojis too.
The First Groyper: Confessions of a Mask
Today we enter the very gay, very violent, and very authoritarian mind of Yukio Mishima, aka the worst coup-plotter of all time, as we discuss his 1949 work, "Confessions of a Mask."
This novel is harrowing at times, ridiculous at others. Absolutely relatable to anyone with closet experience in one moment, and the next he's talking like a return to tradition adult Catholic convert guy with a Greek statue profile picture.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is Mishima's ideal society.
Kicked (To Death!): Liberation Day, ft. Tom Da Anime Sicko
EP. 06
Have you ever thought, "Hey, why can't I have a guy strapped to my wall that will basically serve as a living large language model for me and my bored guests?" No? Well, we talk a lot about that concept anyway.
This is our discussion of "Liberation Day," a 2022 short story collection from George Saunders. Joining us is confirmed genius, Tom from the Anime Sickos podcast. He likes Saunders, and now so do we. You'll find out why.
Themes in this episode: being obviously trapped but not knowing it, getting kicked to death in a theme park, and how even GOATs can be washed at times when they try to write about Donald Trump
Check out AnimeSickos here! If you listen, you'll also be a certified genius.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is kind of abstract but just go with it.
Forrest “Bram Stoker” Gump: Dracula, Ft. Scoob
It's time to talk about the quintessential vampire novel, Bram Stoker 1897 gothic horror, "Dracula."
*Scary music plays, lightning flashes, we look very cool in an old castle*
The Shelfers are joined by Scoob, Bluesky Elder, vampire expert, and longtime follower of the Count.
Learn how Bram Stoker was the Forrest Gump of late 19th century literature as he stumbled his way through a prolific but disappointing career that exploded following his death.
We ask such questions as...Is Dracula gay? (Yes.) Is Dracula racist? (Also yes.) Is Jonathan Harker a petite bourgeois reactionary? (100% yes.) Does Mina deserve better? (Yes, yes, yes.)
Check out Scoob's other passion (posting!)
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is us doing the long walk (from the book's cover)
Occupy Prescott, An Interview with Andy Boyd
EP. 06
It's been a minute, but it's time for another famous Socialist Shelf interview!!
We're delighted to feature Andy Boyd, a brilliant playwright and artist to talk about her play, "Occupy Prescott," a funny and thoughtful show about an Occupy Wall Street encampment in the much-smaller-than-Wall-Street Courthouse Square of Prescott Arizona.
Purchase "Occupy Prescott" here!
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is from the cover of "Occupy Prescott."
Baby I was Born to Walk: The Long Walk
EP. 06
We walk. And walk. And waaaalk.
Welcome to the twisted mind of Stephen King, AKA Richard Bachman, and his 1979 dystopian horror, "The Long Walk."
What if America was bad? Like...even more bad. What if we had young men play sports that killed killed them even more than the ones they do now. The Shelfers investigate.
Fascism. Masculinity. Sexuality. Repetitive Writing. We get into it all.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is us doing the long walk (from the book's cover)
Talking about the last year…also, “hell is the absence of god.”
EP. 06
It's a year in review episode but also we do a short story because that's what we doooo, baby.
It's been a great year for the show (and in basically no other way). We celebrate it in this episode by the giving of dubious gifts, reflecting on our favorite episodes of the year, and being slightly disrespectful to Jimmy Carter.
We also discuss Ted Chiang’s 2001 short story, "Hell is the Absence of God." We get sad and philosophical about it.
Depression (In Space!): Aniara, ft. Max Johansson
EP. 06
It's not just a poem, it an EPIC poem.
This week, the Shelfers take on Harry Martinson's 1956 Swedish, sci-fi epic, "Aniara." Joining them is Max Johansson, who will be considered our pod's official Sweden expert from here on out.
Proletarian literature, running away from your problems, existential despair, quibbling over translations, nuclear apocalypse!!! This one's got it all.
Want more of Max? Well, you'll need to speak Swedish, but if you do, go and check out his podcast, Brodrafolkens! You can also follow him on Instagram @maxjohkna.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is us blasting off.
Dude, Where’s My Reich?: Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas
EP. 06
Let's get into the savage heart of the American dream, shall we?
Join us as we visit Hunter S. Thompson's pocket dimension version of Las Vegas in his 1971 work of gonzo journalism, "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."
Hear us praise the writing, be moved by the characters, and get really pissed at the author.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art self is my proposed new cover for the novel
Every Young Man’s Saddle: Every Young Man’s Battle, Ft. Josh Boerman
EP. 06
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here.
Worst of All Possible Worlds’ Josh Boerman, veteran of both the Socialist Shelf and the battle every young man must face, join us as we take on the villainous Arterburn M Stephen and the downright freaky Fred Stoeker’s 2002, sexual purity self-help book, “Every Young Man’s Battle”
If you’ve ever wanted to face the intersection of evangelical sexual oppression and the New Right down while laughing about sumo wrestlers and stallions, this is your episode.
Disclaimer: the ideas spouted in this book are really gross, downright heinous. Please keep that in mind as you listen, and feel free to skip this one if the discussion makes you too uncomfortable.
More Josh Boerman/Worst of All Possible Worlds: and @Bosh.Worstpossible.World on Bluesky.
Episode art is Fred Stoeker's Instagram feed. He's joined by a few cool folks who are just driving by.
See Description for Title: Percy Jackson
EP. 06
Title: "Luke Castellan and the Heroic Kronosian People's Front's Noble and Correct War Against the Poseidonist Running Dog Known as Percy JacKKK$on and the Imperialist, Westernist Pigs at KKKamp Halfblood, Including the Reactionary and Hyper-Consumptivist Diony$u$ and the Liberal Moralist Annabeth Cha$e, Who Represent Scant Resistance to the Titanic Proletarian-Peasant-Monster Aligned Forces of the People's Army of Tartarus."
Today the Shelfers are discussing the 2005 novel, "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief," the first installment in Rick Riordan's YA Fantasy series that started as a bedtime story and became a mega-franchise.
To be honest, the politics in this one are pretty limited. Jacob just really likes this book. We still think it's a good episode though!
Oh yeah, apologies on the audio. We recorded in Lenore's basement and apparently her AC is counter-revolutionary.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is from the graphic novel but Lenore is a sword.
13 Seasons Why: The 5th Season
EP. 06
We went and ended the whole world this time.
This week, the Shelfers unleash the powers of the Evil Earth with N.K. Jemisin 2015 fantasy hit, "The Fifth Season."
We talk discrimination against earthbenders, repressed sexuality, and second-person narratives. Not necessarily in that order.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is my take on a fault line.
Maker? I Hardly Know Her: Marks, ft. Max Graves
EP. 06
It's time to do some serious 3D Printing.
The Shelfers are joined by comic artist and internet expert, Max Graves, to discuss Cory Doctorow's 2009, near-future sci-fi, "Makers." Together, we discuss what Doctorow got really right, what he got really wrong, and a bunch of stuff that's just plain confusing.
Do you like cheap plastic? Fad diets? Disney World mercenaries? I hope not, because we go hard against these things.
You can and should check out Max's phenomenal webcomic, "What Happens Next" here.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art from "Makers" cover (mildly tweaked.)256 on Twitter,,) episode art from the ROTK's cover.
Return of the King, ft. Aysha U. Farah
EP. 06
The epic saga comes to a close...
This week we finish our Tolkien series with Return of the King...but the king's not the only one returning! Alongside us is the triple-guest, Aysha U. Farah!
We're talking elves, we're talking gollums, we're talking sad homecomings and magic swords. You already knowwww!
You can find Aysha's work at her website, here:, or follow her on Twitter or Bluesky at @ayshaufarah.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art from the ROTK's cover.
Tol-Ken Penders: Sonic Comics, ft. Wiispywitch
EP. 06
No, it doesn't make sense that we did an episode on the Sonic Archie Comics...but it'll be fine. We had fun.
To get into the wild world of Sonic comics, we bring on Wiispywitch, AKA Tay, AKA creator of the iconic (to us) Socialist Shelf art. Between her passion, Ryan's expertise, and the shadow of "The President is Missing" hounding everything we do, this is a fun one.
Check out Wiispywitch's art and other projects here.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is from the comics with slight edits. Please don't sue us, Ken.
Human Boyg Guy: Peer Gynt, Ft. Brian Alford
EP. 06
It's time to jump off a cliff, seduce a troll, and get turned into a button.
This week, we're talking about Henrik Ibsen's 1867 play, "Peer Gynt," an absolutely crazy ride of folklore, modernity's encroachment on tradition, good music, and Sphinxes with Berlin accents.
Brian Alford of "the Worst of All Possible Worlds" joins us to discuss this foundational piece of literature...but can any of us escape the terror of the Boyg?
Check out The Worst of All Possible Worlds! wherever you get your podcasts, and follow Brian on Insta @uninterestingbrian and on twitter @spocksbrian
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art is us on a deer and we fell and that's why our clothes are dirty.
Comey Vs. The Mafia: Central Park West
EP. 06
Remember James Comey, the FBI Director who infuriated Democrats by reopening the Hillary Clinton email investigation just before the 2016 election, then became a liberal hero a year or so later because Trump fired him? Well, he wrote a novel. We read it.
"Central Park West" is a 2023 crime novel about the mafia, being a good mom, and using the full might of the U.S. government to crush your enemies. We get into its cliche-but-tolerable plot, and the terrifying implications that lie underneath.
Episode art is a perhaps-slightly-tweaked version of the novel's cover. Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,)
Tom Bomba-Devil: The Two Towers
EP. 06
Part 3 of our Tolkien series is HERE!
It's time for Ents, Wizards, Giant Spiders, and Ecological Catastrophe, because we're talking about J.R.R. Tolkien's, "The Two Towers."
Is this the most action-packed book of the trilogy? How did C.S. Lewis become a tree? How can we keep mind-control incels out of politics? Are Frodo and Sam gay (no...but actually?)
Episode art is a collab between me and Professor Tolkien.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,)