Rock Uber: The Myth of Sisyphus

Lenore reads the entire thing at the opening so you have no excuse not to absorb this text (unless you just don't want to in which case...fair)

This week we discuss French philosopher Albert Camus' 1942, essential absurdist work, "The Myth of Sisyphus." You might have heard this one before, it's where the guy is happy despite his whole rock situation.

We get into the life of Camus (we've got opinions!), look into if absurdism and socialism are compatible ideas (we have MORE opinions) and talk about high school Jacob's brief fling with absurdist thought (no need for opinions on this one.)

Come back next week for a discussion of Matthew Stover's 2005 novelization of "Revenge of the Sith."

Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,, episode art from SuperGiant's masterpiece, "Hades."


The One About Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith


Marxism-Springsteenism: Battle Royale