The Gang Goes Anarchist: V for Vendetta

Let's. Get. Edgy.

Step into (even more) fascistic London in Alan Moore's classic 1982-1985 graphic novel, "V for Vendetta."

What makes Moore such a remarkable creator? How do repressive regimes give birth to their own destruction? How brutal must a revolution be? Also...what's the deal with anarchism?

Art from the graphic novel, music by Kevin MacLeod.

A little housekeeping: we're going to be (for the most part) dispensing with the part ones and twos and doing full weekly episodes, so I hope y'all enjoy that. Tune in next week for our "Catcher in the Rye" episode!!


Neurodivergent and a Minor: Catcher in the Rye, Ft. Aysha U. Farah


This One’s Just For Fun: My Immortal