Real Capitalism has Never Been Tried: Compassionate Capitalism, ft. Josh Boerman

It's time to learn more than we ever wanted to about Amway founder and general rightwing psycho, Richard Devos.

Josh Boerman from The Worst of All Possible Worlds returns to the podcast to discuss Devos' self-help book/manifestos "Compassionate Capitalism" and, to a lesser extent, "Ten Powerful Phrases for Positive People." They're some doozies, folks.

Who is this Rich guy, and how did he manage to get his sticky fingers all over everything in the whole country? What's the deal with multi-level marketing companies? Is socialism doomed (Rich thinks so in 1994, he becomes less sure by 2008.)

Check out Josh's podcast here:

Music by Kevin MacLeod, episode art is of the Amway Center.


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