Every Young Man’s Saddle: Every Young Man’s Battle, Ft. Josh Boerman

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here.

Worst of All Possible Worlds’ Josh Boerman, veteran of both the Socialist Shelf and the battle every young man must face, join us as we take on the villainous Arterburn M Stephen and the downright freaky Fred Stoeker’s 2002, sexual purity self-help book, “Every Young Man’s Battle”

If you’ve ever wanted to face the intersection of evangelical sexual oppression and the New Right down while laughing about sumo wrestlers and stallions, this is your episode.

Disclaimer: the ideas spouted in this book are really gross, downright heinous. Please keep that in mind as you listen, and feel free to skip this one if the discussion makes you too uncomfortable.

More Josh Boerman/Worst of All Possible Worlds: https://www.worstpossible.world/ and @Bosh.Worstpossible.World on Bluesky.

Episode art is Fred Stoeker's Instagram feed. He's joined by a few cool folks who are just driving by.


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See Description for Title: Percy Jackson