Mystery Science Theater 1231: The Cross-Time Engineer
Special thanks to THE Count Dracula for stopping by!
This week we get into Leo Frankowski's 1986 sci-fi—let's not say "epic," exactly—"The Cross-Time Engineer," the story of the coolest, buffest, smartest, sexiest engineer that's ever lived (and TOTALLY isn't a self-insert power fantasy character of the author!!)
What's the deal with creepy libertarian men, just like in general? How are we supposed to feel about a masterful concept with wretched execution? How do you, in extreme detail, forge a steel sword?
Heads-up, Frankowski was a real creep and his writing reflects that in his attitude towards women, especially underaged girls. While we don't harp on the details much, we do discuss his disgusting, pedophilic fantasies that play out in this book, so be forewarned.
Music by Solo Monk (@SoloMonk256 on Twitter,,) episode art from the book's cover.